Saturday, November 28, 2009


When it rains, it pours.

On Monday, I last used my keys to open up the trunk of my car to get some water out. I then climbed into Allen's car and went to the Golden Mean show. The next time I tried to pull my keys out, at 10:45, they were gone. On my key chain were my car keys, my apartment keys, and my house keys.

We went and searched 411 again, we searched Allen's car, we waited outside in the cold for AAA to come unlock my car trunk. They weren't anywhere.

So I put in a word at the RSO and borrowed one of their keys and got back into my apartment, thinking that my keys would turn up.

On Tuesday, I came back to my apartment to find my door wide open.

Nothing was taken. I had my camera and flute upstairs, and they weren't touched. I had my dvds downstairs, they weren't taken. My jewelry was out in the open, nothing was missing. My roommate showed up after we did, and that was the first time she had been back to the apartment since Friday.

In short, someone opened my apartment and took nothing and let the door wide open.

We got the place re-keyed immediately, and I moved my camera and flute to a safe location.

But it scares me that someone has my keys and isn't friend enough to turn them in. It also scares me that they know where I live. My apartment number is not on the keys. Not too many people know where I live, and it's mostly only my close close friends.

So I ask for your help. If you know who has my keys, please please ask them to return them. I can't afford to rekey my car locks. You can turn them in anonymously at the Bannockburn RSO, and there would be no questions asked.

About five minutes after we rekeyed my apartment, I found out that my Coworker and Friend Todd Ransom died. Please pray for his Mother and his Sister, and for my work as we grieve him.

It has been so hard for me to keep my head above everything. I have had three or so crying breakdowns. Not only has my apartment been intruded on, my friend died.

Allen described it as if I had been rifle-butted in the face. That's fairly accurate. A gut punch might be more accurate.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quotes from Stu again

"He's not going to just roll over and play undead."

This time, on "I thought they were dead but they're not..."

"Is thrumming a real word or a Lyn word?"

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I love this. So much.


From:Kate Philip.
Country:Ivory coast,Abidjan.

Dearest One,
Please permit me to intruce myself to you, My Name is Kate Philip,it is a Good thing to write you. I have a proposal for you-this however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honor against your will.I am Kate Philip 22 years old girl and the only daughter of my late parents chief Usman Philip (the cocoa merchant managing Director), My father was a highly reputable well known as the cocoa merchant managing Director during his days.It is sad to say that he passed away,may his soul rest in perfect peace(Amen)

Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an his brother who killed him just because his wealth But God knows the truth.

My mother died when I was just baby, and since then my father took me so special. Before his death,he secretly told me about this money he deposited in the bank here and used my Name as the next of kin who will inherited his money when he daughter as the only daughter,My late father love me so much and very pround of me,i miss my father so much.

He further told him that he deposited the money in my name, and finally issued a written instruction to his lawyer whom he said is in possession of all the necessary and legal documents to this fund. I am just 22 years old student and really don't know what to do. Now I want your Assistance where I can transfer this money,and the amount that witten in the file documents is (8.500us dollars) because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of my Uncle who try to kill me and claim the money from me as he requested the docuemnts of this money from me and i refused that is why i decided to transfer this money so that this money will be save and i will contine my education and invest this money with your help,.

I have maped out 20 % of the total money for your compasation for just helping me out. i want you to know that is transaction is legal and 100% risk free,i have the legal Document that relating to this money, i realy need your fruit respond so that we can proceed,and you can ask me any question you will like to known about this transaction and i will give you all need to known about this transaction and include the documents that i will send to you when we accepted to help me and you will keep it for yourself safety till you recieve this money in your bank account,your telephone number will be needed so that i will commuicate with you on phone,
Now permit me to ask these few questions:-

1. Can you honestly help me as your daughter?
2. Can I completely trust you?
3. I have map out 20% for your assistance ,Please consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

With Sincerely
Kate Philip

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quotes from Stu for the day

"Wow, they'd have a bitching home shopping network!"

"Have them just ask for a pint."

"You put a voice over? You must've been hearing Morgan Freeman at that moment!"

"With the two conversations, Men are from - wait, which one is from venus? Women are from venus!"

"Serve -Volley, Serve - Volley, Serve - Volley, Volley - Serve??"

"You know, you actually need the words that make complete sentences."

"How did a ninety year old woman get across the red sea? Verrrry slowly."

"Fat kids were never popular. I'm just saying."

"he was trying to be a provocative little shit, too."

"You may know how to command an army, but an unwieldy child can break one. Been there."

"Well, you had the TV series where a guy went to school the day his parents died!"

chronology of an all nighter ....

5:22 - Starting off at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on campus. Am incredibly happy that they have an oatmeal bar. Am even happier that they have agave syrup. Am even happier than that that they have a black cherry/chocolate/espresso drink. Anyways, I'm attempting to write. Cause I have to. Even though I am so emotionally checked out on this story and such. Basically, I'm ready to be done with fiction. I'm just having so much more fun in screenwriting and television.

5:24 - I feel slightly conspicuous writing a sex comedy on campus. Even though it's about a virgin.

5:30 - I keep on looking over my shoulder to make sure that no one is behind me...

5:33 - Ah, continuity, how I hate you.

5:38 - Coffee Bean and tea leaf has no restroom. I have found a flaw.

5:42 - I have come to a landmark in my writing. I have written the creepiest character. His name is "Romantic Robert."

5:46 - gawd, my protagonist sure is stupid.

5:51 - Not quite sure how this story is going to turn out decent. I can only hope and pray that i go second in the day. I am TERRIFIED that people will think this protagonist is me. Cause really, the only thing that connects us is that we are both virgins.

5:56 - This chocolate cherry espresso drink is freakishly delicious. FREAKISHLY!!!!!

8:30 - got quite a shock. I got a text from a friend asking to be taken to the ER. Okay.....

9:55 - writing in a starbucks down the street from the er. Lovely.

10:01 - Just got leered at at the starbucks. If only they knew.

10:10 - "I say a little prayer for you" just came on at starbucks.

10:21 - Rinata was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. Oh dear.

10:37 - Starbucks closed. I'm now writing in my car, in the parking lot of the Kaiser ER. Oh, my life is weird. And it's conspiring against me to not finish this story, I swear.

12:22 - I am now writing in Allen's apartment. I feel creepy. Partially it's the story matter.

1:01 - I'm about 2/3rds of the way done.

1:32 - We go and walk among the leonids. Pretty. Even better because it was with Allen. I'm a sap sometimes.

2:03 - I'm gonna go take a short nap. To refresh the mind.

6:43 - I just woke up from my "short nap." I think I'm gonna take a shower and eat and get back to work. Thank god I already told my work I'm not coming in today.

7:47 - Getting back to work. I feel awake. Really, I do. The only reason I'm trucking through today is so I can play Left4dead2 this evening.

7:54 - I have decided that the biggest structural fault with my apartment is the fact that there is a slanted window, which means it cannot be covered by the curtains.

9:04 - still plugging away. Facebook is the evils of all evils.

9:12 - Finished the story? Now I'm just waiting for proofreaders, please.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Chronology of a writing session

8:26 - Coffee Depot has the best whipped cream, seriously.

8:32 - the guys behind me are on an epic quest to find the opening music to transformers. Wow. They look exactly like you'd expect.

8:59 - The guys behind me started making "whisssshhhh-ing" sounds to describe transformers stuff. They are also talking about how the second was so much better than the first.

9:04 - I got a page! I just need like ... seven or eight more. By tuesday. Yeah, I'm kinda screwed.

9:05 - transformer guys got self conscious.

9:07 - A midget just went into the restroom. I kid you not.

9:15 - there's a girl in here wearing a heavy double breasted jacket, ugg boots....and no pants.

9:19 - the transformer guys started talking again. One said "No, it's supposed to be a girl. Why isn't it a girl? It's supposed to be a girl."

9:27 - Transformer guys left.

9:29 - Got an email from my professor saying he submitted the letter of recommendation. Sweet.

9:31 - Commence post - hot chocolate sneezing fit.

9:34 - It's hard to write while having a sneezing fit. I swear.

9:37 - I think the sneezing fit ended. I'll have to leave the coffee shop soon, though.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Why I'm failing at NoBloPoMo

Seriously, why do they pick November for this thing? That's just stupid.

  1. My uncle had brain surgery. I think that has a big enough impact. While it went incredibly well and he is pretty much all better now, this was a HUGE stresser on my life.
  2. My coworker is dying. It's pretty much an any-day sort of thing. And it's depressing. I'm going to miss him.
  3. As a sorta side effect to the coworker, my work has been hell. Everyone is stressed and upset. On the risk of sounding really inconsiderate, this makes work really uncomfortable.
  4. I'm writing my senior thesis.
  5. I'm sorta writing a novel. Sorta.
  6. I've had tons of homework.
  7. I'm a peer mentor.
By the time I finish with my day to day stuff, all I want to do is go hang out with Allen or something. I don't always want to blog.

Friday, November 6, 2009

my life is a yo yo

And my emotions are a ping pong ball.


"At least half of all writing involves just sitting and staring into space. Letting your brain out to hunt down ideas, bringing them back all warm and bloody between its teeth."


people at my office keep on flinching when the phone rings. I do too.


I am going to go write today. I'll write a lot. At least to the middle of act two. I'm excited. I haven't had time to just write without a deadline for so long, so long. This will be great. I have been actively looking forwards to it.

I like doing well in TV writing. I like being able to give good remarks. I like only getting the "Good, now just continue."

I loved the dinosaur suggestion, and how that's going to come back in act two. And maybe act three.

I like how I planned out the original power structure scene for Lora and Saul. This makes me so incredibly happy.


I hate how I feel like I'm stalling at work. I wish I could do the work at home, where it's not stressful, and the world is peaceful.


I'm closing a bank account today. Why am I nervous?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Post number two

Well, today was a good day on the Uncle Dwayne side. A very good day.

Not so much with work.


I forgot yesterday. So today will have two posts, I swear. Maybe three.

Uncle Dwayne's in surgery right now. They've taken out a part of his skull, and are cutting into the tissues around his brain. Guess what, I'm kinda freaked out by it.



The doctor said the surgery went well and the doctor thinks he got all the tumor out and Dwayne will be fine.



Not only did the surgery go well, he is awake enough to talk to my aunt.



He is up, eating full meals, not on any pain medication, and sounding really cheerful! He called my grandma.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another awesome quote from my tv teacher

"save it for the novel, it doesn't fit in the teleplay."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Late, but still counting.

So last night I had a horrid nightmare. I chalk it up to the old seasonal affective disorder that gives me those nightmares.

Anyways, in the dream, the economy had gotten to such bad of state that the only way the government was able to solve it was to start selling off it's citizens into slavery. But because they couldn't divide it by race (that'd be racist) they entered everyone's social security numbers into a lottery. Guess who's number was called!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So last week mostly sucked.

Here's for this one getting better.

This week:

  • I don't have to worry about mentee meetings. All of those are taken care of.
  • I don't have to worry about Audeamus interviews.
  • I actually have free time.
  • I will have physical time to write on my senior thesis. I plan to get far on that. Okay goal: to the second act break.
  • Allen and I will go back to SD to probably get him a car.