Allen: poke
me: poke
Allen: How be you?
1:28 AM me: insomniatic
and sleeeepy
Allen: I hugz you
I had my Arrogant Bastard, so I'm sleepy from alcohol
not drunk, but sleepy
me: heh
1:29 AM I went to bed at 11, got up again at 1
Allen: :p
me: 1:31 AM
oh! While at dinner with Patty, there was an episode of family guy playing, and it was from the first season, so all the voices were off
Allen: lol
me: it made me want to twitch
1:32 AM Allen: the digital work really makes the show
me: yeah, so do the voices. Meg was awful that season
1:34 AM Allen: thinking of you...
me: :)
miss ya
1:35 AM I'm getting really sleepy again
I'm gonna try to sleep
1:37 AM I love you
Allen: I love you too
1:38 AM me: talk to you tomorrow, and see you in two days!