Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well, it made my night. Well, it made it easier to sleep. After, you know, 2 am.

Allen: poke
me: poke
Allen: How be you?
1:28 AM me: insomniatic
and sleeeepy
Allen: I hugz you
I had my Arrogant Bastard, so I'm sleepy from alcohol
not drunk, but sleepy
me: heh
1:29 AM I went to bed at 11, got up again at 1
Allen: :p
me: 1:31 AM
oh! While at dinner with Patty, there was an episode of family guy playing, and it was from the first season, so all the voices were off
Allen: lol
me: it made me want to twitch
1:32 AM Allen: the digital work really makes the show
me: yeah, so do the voices. Meg was awful that season
1:34 AM Allen: thinking of you...
me: :)
miss ya
1:35 AM I'm getting really sleepy again
I'm gonna try to sleep
1:37 AM I love you
Allen: I love you too
1:38 AM me: talk to you tomorrow, and see you in two days!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring break

I am not good left alone. I feel so much better when I'm around people.

And not just, you know, at my computer at work. I have coworkers around, but not really. Everyone's doing work, no one's talking.

Tonight, I'm basically gonna be sitting home alone. Not looking forward to it.


Grad decisions are tough.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bored at Auditions

So, it's empty here. So here are my thoughts.


Cramps suck


Stage fright sucks.


Pizza is delicious.


Just dealt with a bitchy auditioner. She asked me if I was just singing a harmony instead of the real, actual song. Wow.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sometimes I really dislike myself

So, I have a nasty habit of worst case scenarioing.

Something goes wrong. And while it's probably nothing, almost certainly nothing, I find myself in a near panic trying to figure it out. I find myself looking stuff up online, trying to figure it out, and I only give myself a worse headache and feeling all weepy and crying about it.

And then I start planning for all contingencies. What if the worst case scenario is true?

I hate this part about me.


It doesn't help that I'm major PMSing. MAJORLY.


Allen didn't get into USC. If that wasn't enough bad news, some people have been begrudging me because I did. Even going so far as to say I took his spot, and he should be mad at me for it. Gee thanks, people.
