Saturday, February 28, 2009

OMG love

macro_jaynecat.jpg picture by browncoatrebel

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lent and stuff

So every year I give up something for lent. Even though I'm not catholic. Even though I don't even go to a catholic church anymore. Even though I haven't found a church I'm happy with down here.

The first year I gave up candy and dessert. That worked well.

Last year I gave up itunes and my ipod. That was a ton harder.

So this year I'm actually giving up a few smaller things, but the overall point is to abstain from spending unnecessary money:
  • I'm not going to buy anymore clothes or shoes, unless absolutely necessary for my health.
  • I'm not going to eat out anymore, especially at work. Obvious exceptions include for my hypoglycemia, or when social situations absolutely necessitate it. And the commons, cause that's already paid for.
  • I'm not going to buy starbucks at work. Or after work. Or before work. This one has no exceptions. No starbucks. The only time I will let myself buy any sort of pre-made coffee or tea is when I ABSOLUTELY have to made a deadline, and then it's the cheapest tea or coffee drink the place has. But no starbucks.
  • I'm not going to buy any new music or books or dvds.
I'll probably add to this list later on.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

zombie weddings, blood, and scary adventures

*Note: blog not as scary as it sounds*

So my random foray into the internet blogosphere today came up with this article:

While the article is odd...follow it through.  There's a small offset that talks about the weirdest themed weddings.  It includes a picture of a zombie wedding.

I saw the picture and thought "AWESOME!!!"



Today wasn't so good.  I woke up hypoglycemic, burned my breakfast (nasty nasty nasty) then decided to clean my earrings.  So I took them out....

and I started gushing blood.

So I cleaned that up (Jessica, the roommate, would've FREAKED) and went to the doctor.  My blood pressure was low but not horrible, so I just have to stay hydrated and well fed.  Then I had to go get my earring placed back in the now really stinging pierced ear.  


So I never got a chance to write about it, but I had a really scary adventure the other day.  It was at Andrew's party.  They ran out of beer, and I got elected to go on a beer run to go get more.

So Allen, Evan, Steven and I all piled into my car (Evan drove) and we tried to find a place where we could get beer.  At one am.  We drove to three different gas stations and one liquer mart, all closed.

We found a One minute shop open, and Steve and I went in, as we were the only people overage and we were buying beer (they had given us money).  

Before we had gotten in the door, a crazy homeless man approached us for fifty cents.  However, from Allen's view from the car, it looked like he was about to attack me.  Apparently Evan had to restrain him.  

Once was the sketchiest place in all of riverside.  They had little ziplock bags full of dried shrimp with a tilapia sauce packet in each of them for sale.  They had a huge banner saying "TWO BUDLIGHTS FOR $5.00" except, over the 00, they had put a piece of printer paper saying ".50"

Steven and I reached the counter, and the guy only addressed Steven, refused to see my ID, and would only accept money from Steven.  

Then, while coming out, the crazy homeless guy asked us for a beer.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yesterday - the fun and the scare

So yesterday, being wednesday, was my day off.  And, by day off, I meant mostly off.  I still had spanish and biology.  Just no work.

So I ate lunch with Bree.  Which was good, don't get me wrong, I just really wish we could spend more time together.  Like, a lot more time.  I miss having close close close friends that are girls.  I have girl friends, like Anna and Rinata and Carrie and Sarah and Dominique, but none I feel like I can tell EVERYTHING to.  

After Bree and Liz left, Dominique, Jeff, and Katie walked up, too.  Which was nice.

Anyways, I went to the lab to deal with more frustration, then went to work out.  

Working out is strange for me.  I like it.  I don't know why, but I always feel powerful during workout.  Especially weight lifting.  Even though I'm so much of a weak person.

The only problem is...and we really should've seen this I burn more calories that way.  And I ate like average.

And then watched a 2 1/2 hour movie that distracted me from my body.  So I wasn't paying attention to my body.

And, after the movie...I collapsed.  Allen caught me, and Evan immediately retrieved food.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

On being proven wrong: Valentines 2009

I usually hate valentines day.

But this time I got breakfast.  Bacon breakfast.

And a hike, a good tv show, video games with some friends, and breadsticks.

Thursday, February 12, 2009



Excuse me -




I'd just like to say that your current status just radically heightened my mood.





1:06amJohn is offline.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nothing much

Ever feel like there's nothing much, and you're not too happy with it?  Yeah.  That's where I am right now.

I'm not quite sure why.  

I felt like I was in the worst mood today.  I had to get up early to study for spanish, that put me in a bad state of mind.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I was walking up near someone today.  He was wearing all black, had plugs in his ears, and a lip ring.  And a tattoo.  He was about as punk as possible.

I got closer, and the tattoo was of a chemical molecule.  
