Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yesterday - the fun and the scare

So yesterday, being wednesday, was my day off.  And, by day off, I meant mostly off.  I still had spanish and biology.  Just no work.

So I ate lunch with Bree.  Which was good, don't get me wrong, I just really wish we could spend more time together.  Like, a lot more time.  I miss having close close close friends that are girls.  I have girl friends, like Anna and Rinata and Carrie and Sarah and Dominique, but none I feel like I can tell EVERYTHING to.  

After Bree and Liz left, Dominique, Jeff, and Katie walked up, too.  Which was nice.

Anyways, I went to the lab to deal with more frustration, then went to work out.  

Working out is strange for me.  I like it.  I don't know why, but I always feel powerful during workout.  Especially weight lifting.  Even though I'm so much of a weak person.

The only problem is...and we really should've seen this I burn more calories that way.  And I ate like average.

And then watched a 2 1/2 hour movie that distracted me from my body.  So I wasn't paying attention to my body.

And, after the movie...I collapsed.  Allen caught me, and Evan immediately retrieved food.  

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