Thursday, February 11, 2010

late night in riverside.

I had to deal with two separate groups of idiots, jerks, and misogynistic bullies on the walk home.

I was walking back from my late night class, talking on the phone to Allen, and some guy tried to shove me by my purse. I think they bruised me. I pushed away and got away. I'm just glad I hold my purse closed and all that.

and then, still talking on the phone to Allen, kinda scared, I crossed the street and this group of guys was just standing near my complex. One of the guys said "hey you. You're fucking hot. I would fucking do you."

Still shaking from the earlier thing, I told them to fuck off. Then they yelled after me "don't be such a bitch! I was just trying to compliment you. did you drop your diet pills somewhere?"

I turned around and told them that in no uncertain terms do they say a thing like that to a girl walking alone at night that they didn't know. That group ended up apologizing, and I walked away.

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