Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Creepiest riverside experience!

Me and my coworker walked across the parking lot at the UV to get 7-11, and we were walking back, and had just gotten to the stairs to our office. One of the insane UV hobos was dancing at the base of the stairs. me and my coworker got most of the way up the stairs, and she turned around and said "excuse me, miss?"

so we looked down, and she was leaning up the stairs, supporting herself with her arms and blocking the stairs, her eyes open WIDE. She had a giant scar on her head, and her lips were black.

She said "THE LORD HAS REVEALED TO ME THAT YOU WILL HAVE FINANCIAL GAIN! CAPITAL GAIN! CAPITAL MONEY! Money, financial, capital, capital gain! Is this true?"

Already kinda freaked out, I said "I think you must be mistaken."

So she replied "THE LORD HAS REVEALED IT TO ME AND you must say yes or no. yes or no. yes or no. You must answer"

Me and my coworker continued walking back up, kinda freaked out, and she yelled up after us "YOU MUST ANSWER THE LORD!"

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