Thursday, September 2, 2010

I need another one of these

I have been beaten up a bit, and having problems with self worth. so, here's another positive post.
  1. My acting class is fantastic. It's fun to explore, it's fun to try things out, and it's fun with the people.
  2. I am worth enough that an amazing guy loves me, picks me up from the train station, cooks for me, and rubs my back. I am worth enough that I was able to get into one of the most competitive schools in my field, never-less the world. I am worth enough that my sister gave me her old pirate coat. I am worth enough that I have the freedom to live my life away from my parents, with two adorable kittens, and an amazing apartment.
  3. I am a woman who knows how to shoot guns, use knives, run, cook, dress in interesting (and sometimes weird) ways, pull off a short haircut, shop at a thrift store, write about spirituality, wear a cross necklace, wear hiking boots, plan out healthy menus, stay in a stable relationship, watch a movie and know why it works, walk up to seven miles without a break (possibly more, just haven't tried) and bring people to tears with my writing. And these are all reasons why I should love myself as a person. And no one can take this away from me, and I shouldn't LET anyone take this away from me just because they're insecure or manipulative.


boneman said...

You are WOMAN! Hear you ROAR!

(and then suddenly realizing he spoke a bit loud, starts backing out to the door...)

he he...nice kitty...goooood kitty...

(SLAM! out the door, footsteps running off into the distance)


Caroline said...

You rock.

Jason Holmes said...

You do rock. Congratulations on rocking so much!