Thursday, August 6, 2009


I feel ridiculously hyper and have a TON of stuff going through my this will be random.

People shouldn't take work personally. It's the reason why there is a separation between work and a private life. Just because someone's being snippity to you at work does not need to ruin your day.

Usually apologies mean the world to me, but in one occasion that happened yesterday, I really question the authenticity. It doesn't help that I never really trusted this person to begin with. Yeah.

My hair is getting long. I kinda like all the stuff I can do with it, I don't really like the tangles and the mess and the frayed ends.

I'm so excited for DnD tonight. Like, unreachable levels of excitement.

I want to learn to be sneakier. Maybe it has to deal with me watching a lot of Leverage and seeing the spying sneaking around part and thinking it's really cool. maybe I should get back into a fighting class, maybe. or a parkour class of some sort. I am a bit too much of a ninja.....

I just got a craving for crappy country music. I blame Rinata. And Pandora for enabling me. Dang it! I thought I had kicked that addiction. Darn you! I shake my fist at the entirety of country music.

I feel ridiculously cheerful. Not sure why.

Twitter is being temperamental. Dang. It's such a source of amusement for me at work. And it provides me the in look on a bunch of TV celebrities that I love. and the television writers.

Speaking of which, still excited about television writing. I want to start! Allen and I made a challenge to each other, that regardless of what is required of us for it, we'll make the entire bible for the show and for everything we need to for shopping it around. I hope mine turns out AMAZING! By the end of the class I want to be able to write an episode in a week, cause that's what you'd have to do in the real world of television writing.

I have so many things I want to do with my life, sometimes I feel I'm without direction. I want to be famous. I want to learn how to defend myself (and basically be a badass), I want to be a good writer, I want to be more involved with theater, I want to be more knowledgable, I want to be a better singer, I don't really know everything I want to do.

1 comment:

Rinata said...

haha! Though I am completely willing to take the blame for making you listen to crappy country music, it is really the person at my mom's work who was blasting Taylor Swift's fault :P