Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today has been amazing.

Well, not all of it. The doctors were a bit frustrating.

But lets see...I was waiting for d'Arquoia to arrive for the photoshoot, and Allen and Evan walked by. :) I got to talk with them for about five minutes before they had to go get ready for their other class. Then Oscar walked by, and I talked to him about advanced music.

Then d'Arquoia came over and I got paid to take pictures. Awesome!

Then at work I'm kinda stonewalled from progressing on the honors website, so I've been working on the audeamus one. Which is awesome, cause it's sarcastic. And I've been working on it pretty closely with AJ, so that's always entertaining

And then Allen and I had a lunch date. In beautiful weather. With hamburgers.

I'm so happy right now.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

random moments

*My journalism professor used the term "blogosphere" today in complete and total sincerity.

*I hate hate hate PDFs.

*I started a new movie. Well, I started outlining it. It's fun to outline, especially cause it's fantasy and one I had thought up years ago but never really put to paper besides an awkward first five pages of it in novel format. But I love the characters.

*I worked out today. My abs hurt. So do my shoulders and arms.

*Alexa and Randy are now officially a couple. And apparently Randy is the "Lyn" of the relationship, as determined by the cast of servant of two masters. Which I only know a few of them. Which is utterly bizarre. Allen said he talks about me a lot to them, which is nice, but still very odd.

*I started playing Resident Evil 5. I like it, but it makes my hands really tired.

*Tomorrow I get to take pictures! Lots and Lots of pictures! So happy.

*twitter is oddly fun....


Monday, April 27, 2009

Me and my Knife

I've been having bad nightmares for a long time now.  And most of them have involved someone stalking me.

So after a week straight of that, I got fed up....and bought a knife.  

She's a Kershaw Scallion with a damascus blade.    And it's really freaking useful.

Despite the natural idea of self defense, it's also come in handy with cutting open soda packages, cutting off strings on my clothing, and cutting off tags.  Yay.  

But, even the day I bought it, I was grateful I had it with me.  While at Mena's party, Evan wasn't having a good time, so I had to drive him home.  When coming back my close parking space was gone, and I had to park 4 blocks away and walk back alone.  In Mena's housing complex there are a few frat houses.

Some frat boys were outside leaning against their beat up pile of scrap car, smoking.  As I walked by, the one wearing the black cap yelled out "WHORE!"  His friends cackled, then one started moving towards me.   

I snapped out my blade; I doubt they saw.  Either way, the moving one just got lazy and went back to leaning against his car.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Eventful times. Ish.

So.  This week.

Monday:  Had to turn in my screenplay.  Yay.  That went moderately well.  It was Allen's workshop day, and it was probably the harshest and most spot on workshop I've attended.  So I'm a wee bit frightened to see how mine is going to pan out.

Tuesday:  So, when walking to class, I notice that there's no newspaper.  Which is pretty sad, cause I like to read it while I'm on my way to journalism.  Once I get to class, one of my classmates hands me a paper, and I read this: 

So that's already a pretty interesting story.  But as I got out of Journalism, Caitlin, the editor and chief comes running up to me, saying that 2000 copies of the newspaper were stolen.  On the day a controversial article came out...during election week.   Yeah.

Wednesday:  Bad day.  Had to transcribe links all day.  Then was surprised by Russian hackers and by great dane/lab mixes.  Have a small spat up with Allen.  Had to write an essay.  

And now I've written the essay.  And I'm exhausted.

Friday, April 17, 2009

DnD character

So, as you probably know, I play DnD. I currently have a level 4 (almost level 5!) Tiefling Warlock. And it is awesome.

I want to play that game more.

I think I'm gonna go write the character's backstory. I was going to do that here, but only the character who knew my character's past can know it, and other members of my DnD group are on here. Oops.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Check this out.  Best surprise on a reality show EVER!!

Another work story

So, as you know, there is a lot of alcohol in my office. That's the basis for this story.

Anyways, I go to get my bagel out of the fridge, and I notice something weird. Namely, the security camera set up pointing directly at the TOP of the fridge...

...where they had hidden the handle of vodka for a long time.

So, apparently, it's not vodka in there. It's been water this entire time. But the level in the bottle keeps on going down. So someone in the office has been drinking the tap water, believing it to be vodka this entire time.

So they had set up the camera to trick to see who has been trying (and failing) to get drunk on company time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I just wrote and sent off a play.  I started it at 8.  I finished it at 10.  It's six pages long.

Yeah, I feel good.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Awww cuteness

So today, walking to class, A and I were being cutesy.

it went something like this:

Me: I like you.
A: Hmmm...I think I'll keep you.
Me: wha?
A: I was thinking about turning you in to an orphanage, but I think I'll keep you instead.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A fight because I had to pee?

So, today at church, it was more of the usual.  Bad music/worship, awkward videos, and an awesome sermon.  I love the sermons.  I wish they'd actually focus on the learning part rather than the hoopala and the spectacle.  Especially the spectacle.  It's not needed.  I'd rather be learning rather than watching.

So, after the AWESOME sermon, they started up another video.  This time, it was one skit/video that I've seen many times before, I have significant theological problems with it, and I had to go pee.  Badly. I had consumed a glass of water and a glass of milk before the service.  So I quietly whispered to my mom that I wanted to get up to use the restroom.  She said no, and that I wouldn't want to miss this.

After sitting through the first few minutes of it, which I have practically memorized by now, I whispered that it was okay for me to miss it.  I got a disapproving look and was let out.  Thank goodness.  

Well, I came back in halfway through and, yep, the content of the skit portion hadn't changed.  Right up to the order of it.  And I still found it as theologically impractical as I did the last four times I've seen it.

So after church, I went and found my mother where she was hiding in the choir room.  She was standing alone, so I went to go explain to her.  I told her I had seen it many times before, and my mom said that it had really moved her, and she wanted me to be moved.  I told her it might've moved me the first two times, but not after that.  And I just said the phrase "and I have significant theological problems with it."

And she said "just be quiet and leave."

Friday, April 10, 2009


I found this in my google docs. which I've never used....


Human beings have become so distant from nature they now feel unnatural in the one place where they should feel completely at home in. We crave being inside. If we are placed outside, we need things with us, remnants of what comforts us. And we are unnatural to nature as well. We don't quite work like nature wants us to. We're awkward. We disrupt what is there and has always been there. There has been such a clear break from humanity and nature that we no longer know what is appropriate to do once we’re outside.


On over sleeping and babies

So I slept through my 7:30 alarm. I slept through my 8:00 alarm.

I woke up at 11 with a baby screaming outside of my door.

What the hell?

Turns out Ailyn was babysitting her niece. Or cousin. Who knows which one.

And now, at work, a whole three hours late, I can't think. my mind is shot. AUGH!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what to do: the student's delimma

Every student has to face this sometime within their life.

Due tomorrow: Two articles. One 50 pager in extremely small font for Gender and Film, and one for journalism. Journalism one looks a lot more interesting.

Due Monday: My completed screenplay. I'm about three or four scenes from the end.

To do this weekend: my friend Aaron's coming into town, so I'll be hanging out with him for some of it. Plus, this week has been so busy I'd like to hang out with my friends some.

Also: Easter Sunday. So I'll be back home in Whittier. Lovely. I don't get any work done there, and I at least have to stay for Easter dinner. And no coffee shop will be open.

In Twenty Minutes: I have my lunch break. Do I read the articles? Or do I write on my screenplay, the project that is MUCH larger than my readings.

If only I could do that at work. But, alas, I have to stay on the computer. This computer does not have final draft, so I can't do the screenplay. And I at least have to be typing, so reading is kinda out of the question as well.


It doesn't help that I'm in a cuddling and movie sort of mood.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Uncle Dwayne's cancer is gone!

Or at least the PET scan showed no signs of cancer.

Best news ever.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Well, I'm pissed

After a relatively bad day, all I wanted to do was sit at home and listen to music.

But no.  Anna's sick again.  Like ALWAYS.  She's never not sick, and never not negative.  All I ever hear is negativity after negativity after negativity.  

Guess what, whenever I play my music, I always have to turn it off cause "she needs a nap."

I'm so tired of living here.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Not everyone is how they seem  And not everyone should be as they seem.  Including myself.  

Also, writing in the laundry room is massively successful, but leaves my back hurting quite a bit.

Also, working out alone is boring.

Movies, Zombies, Dates, and Video Games.

Today's palm sunday.  Last year I was singing in the choir at the catholic church, and I passed out.  Later that night Allen came over and shared WoW and Family Guy with me, and I started to like him.  

Allen and I went on a date last night.  Out to Applebees (arguably our place) and to see Slumdog Millionaire.  I know why it won the oscar.  Besides being awesome, the actors were great, most of them being virtual unknowns.   And the camera angles were what got me.  

So, if you've been keeping up with my life, you should know that I've been considering writing a T.V. show about zombies.  And you should know that I find this really exciting:


I hope this picture works.  

Anyways, 85% of the original text is retained from the book.  OMG that's amazing.  Not only is it one of my favorite books, but with added zombies.  

Yesterday = rock band = awesome.

I need to start finishing my screenplay.  If I could finish it today, that'd be amazing.  Beyond amazing.  Then I'd have two weeks (!!!) to make it perfect.  Thank you.

On a totally different note, I had a random trip down memory lane when I picked up my xanga blog for a quick read.  Wanna see me as a whining little bitch who couldn't get over some 'great' hurt that some people that weren't that great of friends gave me?  Want to see me as an insecure little twerp who cared far too much about what people thought of her?  Want to see me as a really depressing individual?  Here it is:

I'm so glad I'm not like that anymore.

Friday, April 3, 2009

will provide explaination for why this is awesome in a bit.

[10:17] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Kk so randy texted me back
[10:17] nathonea: yay?
[10:17] BiGaCtInGmAmA: (auto-response from BiGaCtInGmAmA) Away
[10:17] BiGaCtInGmAmA: He said he may be getting lunch with his uncle if not he'll text me and join us
[10:18] nathonea: sweet
[10:18] BiGaCtInGmAmA: And I agree with your totally unrelated note
[10:18] nathonea: yup
[10:18] nathonea: it sucks
[10:18] BiGaCtInGmAmA: It hurts
[10:19] nathonea: and it's annoying
[10:20] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Definitely
[10:20] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Oh random: I found my ace bandage
[10:20] nathonea: awesome
[10:20] nathonea:
[10:21] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Hehe I'm reading an article about Iowa, and it is making me happy
[10:22] nathonea: ? why? what's in Iowa?
[10:23] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Iowa Supreme Court ruled that denying gays the right to marry goes against the state's constitution. Gay Marriage is legal in Iowa!
[10:24] nathonea: Wow!
[10:24] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yeah! Seriously
[10:24] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Random middle of the road state
[10:25] nathonea: seriously
[10:25] nathonea: I wouldn't think the Midwest would be a place for that
[10:25] BiGaCtInGmAmA: In my supreme court class we learned today that ironically even though most states don't allow gay marriage, under certain conditions all states would have to acknowledge gay divorce
[10:25] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Exactly
[10:26] nathonea: wait, what? how would that work/
[10:26] nathonea: ?
[10:28] nathonea:
[10:30] nathonea: hmm, I just took a look at the political representation from Iowa, and it has democratic leanings, but it's actually mostly even
[10:30] nathonea: 3 democratic congressmen, 2 republican. One democrat senator, one republican senator
[10:31] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Wow.
[10:31] nathonea: so a fairly even state
[10:31] nathonea: I just found a direct quote from the supreme court
[10:31] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yay for states actually upholding equal protection of rights
[10:32] nathonea: "We are firmly convinced the exclusion of gay and lesbian people from the institution of civil marriage does not substantially further any important governmental objective."
[10:32] nathonea: I'm tracking it in all the major newspapers
[10:32] nathonea: it showed up on NYtimes 2 hours ago
[10:32] nathonea: now it's in the Chicago Tribune
[10:32] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yep!
[10:32] nathonea: as of half an hour ago
[10:33] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yay!
[10:33] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I is happy
[10:33] nathonea: msnbc 25 minutes ago
[10:33] BiGaCtInGmAmA: They did what should be done. Not base gay marriage as a religious or moral issue, but as a legal issue
[10:34] nathonea: yahoo news 5 minutes ago
[10:35] nathonea: Rueters 2 hours ago
[10:35] nathonea:
[10:35] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Even though marriage really has nothing to do with courts. It is a license. Nothing more
[10:35] nathonea: this article has nitty gritty court details
[10:35] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Awesome!
[10:37] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Gah! I love this stuff
[10:38] nathonea: I'm totally news journalism geeking out right now
[10:38] nathonea:
[10:38] nathonea: I was able to watch a major news story break
[10:39] nathonea: it is good news
[10:39] nathonea: but I'm geeking out right now
[10:39] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Haha! Nothing wrong with that at all
[10:40] nathonea: I was able to apply stuff I've learned just this last week from journalism class
[10:40] nathonea:
[10:40] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Haha! Awesome
[10:40] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I've been lamely doing that with my costume class and my supreme court class
[10:40] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Even my spanish class!
[10:41] nathonea: hah nice!
[10:41] nathonea: I already do it with screenwriting
[10:41] nathonea: just journalism has been so much geeky fun
[10:41] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I was able to tell Marc how to pronounce "cuello" during class. Made me feel cool
[10:41] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yay
[10:42] nathonea: haha
[10:43] nathonea: It's always exciting to be in the office when news breaks
[10:43] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Random: I found a really peaceful place right outside sproul to kill the hour I had
[10:43] nathonea: inbetween the two buildings? yeah
[10:43] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I can imagine
[10:44] BiGaCtInGmAmA: In between sproul and watkins
[10:44] nathonea: oo yeah
[10:44] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Very little people and lots of green
[10:44] BiGaCtInGmAmA: And birds chripping
[10:45] nathonea:
[10:45] nathonea: I'm emailing my journalism professor right now
[10:45] BiGaCtInGmAmA: About iowa?
[10:49] nathonea: about the news sources covering Iowa
[10:50] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Cool
[10:52] nathonea: just sent the email
[10:52] nathonea: I hope he responds, cause that was really cool to watch
[10:52] nathonea: I'm TOTALLY geeking out
[10:52] BiGaCtInGmAmA:
[10:53] BiGaCtInGmAmA: So am I!
[10:53] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I am sitting here going yay courts and amendments and equal protection
[10:54] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Ironically right before my constitutional law class
[10:54] nathonea: ooo, that'll make an interesting class
[10:54] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Well, discussion
[10:54] nathonea:
[10:54] nathonea: bring it up, see what they say.
[10:54] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Definitly
[10:55] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Supreme court class was interesting with the one crazy outspoken conservative girl in there
[10:55] nathonea: alright, I'm going to have to stop refreshing my email. I should wait another hour before checking it again, wait for my professor to have time to email me back
[10:55] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Haha
[10:55] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Breathe
[10:55] nathonea: it was really neat
[10:56] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I know! Eeee!
[10:56] nathonea: I work in the online information business, to a certain extent, and stuff like that is really neat
[10:56] nathonea: brb
[10:56] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Kk
[11:10] nathonea: b
[11:10] nathonea: I got so hyper i had to go walk around
[11:11] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Hahaha
[11:11] nathonea: I'm such a geek
[11:12] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I love it!
[11:12] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Adorable
[11:13] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I get really hypper and squeaky
[11:13] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Hyper*
[11:13] nathonea: I found the first article that broke
[11:13] nathonea:
[11:13] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Sweet
[11:13] nathonea: and that looks like right before hand
[11:14] nathonea: then this the next thing
[11:14] nathonea:
[11:14] nathonea: cause the IOWA Court website was CRASHING
[11:14] nathonea: here's a copy of the actual court decision
[11:15] nathonea:
[11:15] nathonea: so cool!
[11:15] BiGaCtInGmAmA: And class is over
[11:15] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Woot
[11:16] nathonea: and professor hasn't emailed me back yet
[11:16] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I love constitutional law
[11:16] nathonea:
[11:16] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I want a gavel!
[11:16] nathonea: haha
[11:18] nathonea: I could totally become a news junky if I'm not careful
[11:19] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Hehehe
[11:20] nathonea: it's just neat about how press enterprise wrote about it right before it happened
[11:20] nathonea: then it was politico
[11:20] nathonea: then everyone else
[11:21] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I know
[11:21] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Its amazingly awesome
[11:23] nathonea: I'm sending an updated email to my professor about it
[11:24] nathonea: first news station to cover it on air - BBC
[11:24] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Of course
[11:27] nathonea: wow, I've been at work for two hours now.
[11:28] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Cool
[11:28] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I am with helen and kim talking about how sexy hornby is
[11:28] nathonea: still none of my student coworkers now
[11:28] nathonea: SCARY
[11:30] nathonea: so do you want to meet downstairs at Rubios at 1:30?
[11:30] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Sure!
[11:30] nathonea: sweet
[11:30] nathonea: Rubios sounds amazing right now

[11:39] nathonea: and I just got a text from Carrie saying her school has a writing studio
[11:39] nathonea: like, a physical place to write
[11:40] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Awesomeness!
[11:40] nathonea: and I so wish UCR had a physical writing studio
[11:42] nathonea: darn the professor hasn't replied yet
[11:42] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Haha
[11:42] nathonea: I really shouldn't have had the energy drink this morning
[11:42] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Breathe. Relax. It will come
[11:42] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Ooooh dear
[11:43] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Not a monster I hope
[11:43] nathonea: no, a sugar free drink
[11:43] nathonea: called xenergy
[11:43] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Good
[11:43] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Hmm
[11:43] nathonea: it's one of those "healthy" energy drinks
[11:43] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Secretly I wanna go get a monster
[11:43] nathonea: haha
[11:44] nathonea: me on monster is a scary thing
[11:44] nathonea: cause caffeine affects me so much
[11:44] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yeah
[11:44] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Dani is convinced that sugar rushes and how caffeine affects a person is completely mental
[11:45] BiGaCtInGmAmA: I say nay
[11:47] nathonea: haha not me
[11:47] nathonea: cause I get affected by stuff I didn't know had sugar
[11:47] nathonea: like tomato soup
[11:48] nathonea: lots of sugar in there
[11:48] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Really?
[11:48] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Didn't know that
[11:48] nathonea: tomato soup and ketchup
[11:48] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Knew it had lots of salt
[11:48] nathonea: much higher sugar content then you'd think
[11:48] nathonea: more than some varieties of dark chocolate
[11:49] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Yeah kecthup definitly has lots of sugar
[11:49] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Interesting
[11:49] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Wow
[11:49] nathonea: or white bread
[11:49] nathonea: a lot of people think that white bread is bread and therefore healthy for you
[11:49] nathonea: nope
[11:50] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Oof
[11:50] BiGaCtInGmAmA: No it isn't
[11:50] nathonea: because the flour has been so bleached, your body processes it in the same way it processes sugar
[11:50] BiGaCtInGmAmA: But it is delicious
[11:50] nathonea: so I can't eat white bread
[11:50] nathonea: unless I eat a butt-ton of protein and other complex carbs with it
[11:53] BiGaCtInGmAmA: That made me think of a very Russian sandwich
[11:53] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Loads of meat
[11:54] nathonea: yup
[11:54] nathonea: basically

[11:57] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Oh so random but when we were doing the playworks meeting, Marc pulled the folder from last year. I squealed when I saw Brian's play
[11:57] BiGaCtInGmAmA: Went down memory lane
[11:58] nathonea: there are times when I absolutely love the fact that my job is in the same office as the UCR press release office
[11:58] nathonea: the doing research for accurate terms really fast is really cool

Thursday, April 2, 2009

silly survey

Say you married the last person who texted you, what's your new last name

When was the last time you fell asleep watching a movie?
Ummm....actually a little bit away.  which is odd, cause it's incredibly easy for me to fall asleep in movies

Are any of your texts in your inbox locked?

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
this morning :)

Last person you were with?
I'm hanging out with Evan right now.

What was the last thing to drink you had? When?
A cup of ice water about half an hour ago.

Who texted you first this morning?
Sarah.  At 1:25am.

Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
Possibly one of the times.  I woke up a lot too

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Not at all.  

Do you have a bad temper?
I can.   I try not to.

Do you still speak with any of your class mates from elementary school?

Do you believe there's good in every one?
Mostly.  Unless I'm proven wrong

In the winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Not really at this moment

What are you drinking right now?

What brand of shirt are you wearing?
I'm wearing a dress.  That I bought from a thrift store.  Yeahyuh

What color are your eyes?

Is there someone in your life that you don't want in it?
Of course.  It happens.

What woke you up this morning?
Which time?  Multiple nightmares.  Then my cell phone.

What are you craving right now?
Sleep.  And a nice glass of orange juice

Are you happy right now?

What was the last movie you watched at home?
Part of the illusionist

What's in your pockets?
Dress.  Doesn't have pockets.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Working Honors.  Then writing.

Do you like the color green?
Usually.  Except neon.

If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
A hd camera

What were you doing at midnight last night?
I think I was waking up from my first nightmare.

Do you like roller coasters?
OMGosh yes!

Have you ever wanted something you can' t have?

Last show you watched?
How I Met Your Mother yeah!

Do you like being around a large group of friends or 2 friends?
Depends on my mood and those two friends.  Usually those two friends.

Do you wear contacts?
Heck yes.  I hate my glasses so much.  So utterly much.

What is wrong with you?
Glasses suck!

Who did you talk to on the phone last with?
That would be...Evan.  Telling him I was on my way.

Do you get scared easily?
kinda yeah.  

who always make you laugh, even on a sad day?
Allen's pretty darned good at that.  Maybe that's why I love him.

If you ended up in jail, who would be most likely to end up in there with you?

Ever been dared to kiss someone?
Yup.  It didn't end too terribly well.  Kind of an embarrassing moment.

Do you really, truly miss someone right now?

Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone?
Don't think so.

Besides this, what are you doing right now?
Watching Evan play mirrors edge

What color shirt are you wearing?
DRESS!  and it's white.

Who has texted you today?
Sarah, Evan, Rinata, my Mom

Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your first name?

Do you use t9 word?
nope.  Used to.

Where will you be in a hour?
Probably still at Evan's.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back in black!

More like back in school. But I like that song.


My favorite class is and probably will stay Screenwriting. We're in a different room now, it's a nice change. And there's only...7 of us. My screenplay is due week 4, to be critiqued week 5. Awesome. That'll be done. But the class itself is awesome. Allen and Steve are in it, so is Yilen, Arnoldo, Peter, Keith, and one other guy who I'm totally blanking on his name. Which is no good. But yeah. Weiko rocks. and it's at the same time as Professor Stu Kreiger's office hours, so I can pop in there on my breaks :)

Journalism looks fun. My teacher is awesome and round and cheerful. He spent about 15 minutes on a round about definition of stereotypes. HOWEVER, I know so many people in that class. So many it's awkward. I know people from Honors, people from creative writing, people from theater, and Steve. Weird.

Film is a crap load of work. And there are a few people in there that I'd prefer not to see.

Oh. And I'm working 19 hours a week. Dang.