Monday: Had to turn in my screenplay. Yay. That went moderately well. It was Allen's workshop day, and it was probably the harshest and most spot on workshop I've attended. So I'm a wee bit frightened to see how mine is going to pan out.
Tuesday: So, when walking to class, I notice that there's no newspaper. Which is pretty sad, cause I like to read it while I'm on my way to journalism. Once I get to class, one of my classmates hands me a paper, and I read this:
So that's already a pretty interesting story. But as I got out of Journalism, Caitlin, the editor and chief comes running up to me, saying that 2000 copies of the newspaper were stolen. On the day a controversial article came out...during election week. Yeah.
Wednesday: Bad day. Had to transcribe links all day. Then was surprised by Russian hackers and by great dane/lab mixes. Have a small spat up with Allen. Had to write an essay.
And now I've written the essay. And I'm exhausted.
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