Sunday, April 12, 2009

A fight because I had to pee?

So, today at church, it was more of the usual.  Bad music/worship, awkward videos, and an awesome sermon.  I love the sermons.  I wish they'd actually focus on the learning part rather than the hoopala and the spectacle.  Especially the spectacle.  It's not needed.  I'd rather be learning rather than watching.

So, after the AWESOME sermon, they started up another video.  This time, it was one skit/video that I've seen many times before, I have significant theological problems with it, and I had to go pee.  Badly. I had consumed a glass of water and a glass of milk before the service.  So I quietly whispered to my mom that I wanted to get up to use the restroom.  She said no, and that I wouldn't want to miss this.

After sitting through the first few minutes of it, which I have practically memorized by now, I whispered that it was okay for me to miss it.  I got a disapproving look and was let out.  Thank goodness.  

Well, I came back in halfway through and, yep, the content of the skit portion hadn't changed.  Right up to the order of it.  And I still found it as theologically impractical as I did the last four times I've seen it.

So after church, I went and found my mother where she was hiding in the choir room.  She was standing alone, so I went to go explain to her.  I told her I had seen it many times before, and my mom said that it had really moved her, and she wanted me to be moved.  I told her it might've moved me the first two times, but not after that.  And I just said the phrase "and I have significant theological problems with it."

And she said "just be quiet and leave."

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