Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back in black!

More like back in school. But I like that song.


My favorite class is and probably will stay Screenwriting. We're in a different room now, it's a nice change. And there's only...7 of us. My screenplay is due week 4, to be critiqued week 5. Awesome. That'll be done. But the class itself is awesome. Allen and Steve are in it, so is Yilen, Arnoldo, Peter, Keith, and one other guy who I'm totally blanking on his name. Which is no good. But yeah. Weiko rocks. and it's at the same time as Professor Stu Kreiger's office hours, so I can pop in there on my breaks :)

Journalism looks fun. My teacher is awesome and round and cheerful. He spent about 15 minutes on a round about definition of stereotypes. HOWEVER, I know so many people in that class. So many it's awkward. I know people from Honors, people from creative writing, people from theater, and Steve. Weird.

Film is a crap load of work. And there are a few people in there that I'd prefer not to see.

Oh. And I'm working 19 hours a week. Dang.

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