Friday, October 2, 2009

First exerpt from my story

Here's a tiny little bit of the story.


Mother sets the teacup down on the thin china. "I wish him luck." The teacup almost tips. "May he live his life well."

Some of the coffee drips onto the perfect saucer. Words are difficult. "I'm glad you're okay, mum."

She smiles, frail, the corners of her lips shake. She glances out the curtained window. 'When'll you come back for another visit?"

"I don't know, mum."

Her lashes look down. "The tomatoes will be ripe next week."

I stand, she's small in her chair. "I love you, mum."

"Give me a call if you need money. Or anything."

"I will."

She stares at her white hands. I walk out, my shoes clicking on the linoleum. She keeps it clean, her kitchen is always spotless.


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