Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First day of grad school

So, Life got a hold of me and distracted me from doing these. BUT! As yesterday was fantastic and the first day of grad school, I simply have to do one of these.

  1. My "big sibling" in the program, the equivalent of the peer mentors, said I was probably the most enthusiastic person about the program. And he said that shall serve me well. And that my writing experience will actually help me a ton in the program. And that I'll be able to write a lot, and have it pay off for me. (And that Judd Apatow's apparently a really normal person and will probably visit school sometime.)
  2. The train system WORKS! The trolly/tram is rather annoying, but I liked the train. There was a girl on it taking the train into LA to get her picture taken for the DMV and interview for a job as a stripper. Interesting, yes?
  3. So. My screenwriting class. Is epic. I mean, seriously epic. Completely and totally epic. in class we had to write three scenes. They all had to include only one character, going into a location, finding an item and having an emotional reaction, and then leaving. We couldn't use dialogue. We had to use the same character, location, and item for all three. The first scene had to be a comedy, the second had to be a love story, the third had to be a horror.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday in two cities

  1. Allen and I talked about some of the issues that have been making things hard to deal with. In short, with everything going on, we have "short fuses." I have a short fuse with myself. I'm believing that everything I do is just going to be put on a list of why people don't like me, which makes me incredibly skittish and paranoid about all my actions. Allen has a short fuse in the traditional sense...he's been much more reactionary than usual. Why is this on the good list? Cause we talked about them, they're now on the radar, and we can help each other on the issues.
  2. I got to cook with Candy (Allen's mom) some. We had a dish that we both did differently, so we combined the way we cook it. And it was fantastic. The only person who didn't like it was Allen, and that's cause he doesn't like Baked Beans. (The recipe was: Bush's Baked beans, a pound of bacon, ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, and brown sugar!)
  3. So, we had been wanting to get another kitten, but we really couldn't because of money. And we might -might - have found a way where we could, with absolutely no problems!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


As more and more dramatic things are happening, it's getting more and more difficult to do this blog. It's been harder for me to see positive things But it's good for me. Even if I start to feel like nothing positive is happening, it really, really is. Yesterday was AMAZING, except for the first three hours and the last two hours of it. But, that's not what this blog is about.

So, here's the positive
  1. I had an AMAZING DAY with my friends! Me, Bree, Beth, Whitney, Alisha, and Liz did a photoshoot, and it's epic! It was amazing! I need to do more photoshoots, and I need to hang out with actual positive friends like them more often! It was amazing! I haven't laughed so hard in ages, and I haven't felt this comfortable in a group of people in about sixth months! It was fabulous.
  2. I got to wear my red Ren Faire tunic to work. Yes, this is small, but it constantly cheered me up while I was at work. I should wear comfy weird clothes more often.
  3. And this is gonna sound like I'm stretching it, but when I was moving out of bannockburn, I put a scented candle in my car and forgot about it. Now, whenever there's a warm day, the candle wax remelts (it's in a glass jar) and makes my entire car smell like lilac and vanilla. I rather like it a lot.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

describing tuesday - difficult

To put it mildly, Tuesday was not a good day. At all. Still, gonna try to be positive for this.

  1. At work we had the creepy hobo that you can read about in my previous entry, but at least she was saying that I'd make money. At least she wasn't one of the gloom and doom clairvoyant hobos. She said I was going to make money. that's a positive, at least?
  2. I got to talk to Jess for like an hour. And it was interesting conversation! About exes, school, religion, colleges, our past, ect. It was fun.
  3. While I was at the beach with the friends, me, Sharon, Paul, and Sarah went on a nightime walk along the shore, where we saw a sand mermaid, a sand hole (where I got a hilarious picture of Sarah crouching in it) and a bunch of random sandcastles. We also had fun running along the wet sand and avoiding getting into the cold ocean.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Creepiest riverside experience!

Me and my coworker walked across the parking lot at the UV to get 7-11, and we were walking back, and had just gotten to the stairs to our office. One of the insane UV hobos was dancing at the base of the stairs. me and my coworker got most of the way up the stairs, and she turned around and said "excuse me, miss?"

so we looked down, and she was leaning up the stairs, supporting herself with her arms and blocking the stairs, her eyes open WIDE. She had a giant scar on her head, and her lips were black.

She said "THE LORD HAS REVEALED TO ME THAT YOU WILL HAVE FINANCIAL GAIN! CAPITAL GAIN! CAPITAL MONEY! Money, financial, capital, capital gain! Is this true?"

Already kinda freaked out, I said "I think you must be mistaken."

So she replied "THE LORD HAS REVEALED IT TO ME AND you must say yes or no. yes or no. yes or no. You must answer"

Me and my coworker continued walking back up, kinda freaked out, and she yelled up after us "YOU MUST ANSWER THE LORD!"

So, monday, with the incredible randomness

  1. So, I went out to search for jobs. One of the things I was looking into was bartending school, so I went over to the one in Riverside. I was talking with the owner (generally impressed with the school) and he asked about previous job experience. I mentioned that I worked in the office, and he asked what type. I told him I did web content, and it was as if I made their day. So I got offered a job doing web marketing on commission.
  2. I finished watching Zorro. Now I'm definitely formulating characters. For the first time since this summer turned sour (June 24th) I feel actually inspired to write.
  3. I realized that it was only one week until I go to grad school orientation, and two weeks until I start classes, and my last day of work is next week. Things are happening fast!

Monday, August 9, 2010


  1. So Allen and I went to see our friend Alexa in a play in a winery. Actually, we knew most of the cast, so it was kind of awesome. And the wine was fantastic. And a cat interrupted the play by running across the stage. I kinda loved it.
  2. So I found that I might be able to take the train to USC every day. That's pretty darned fantastic. AND my parents said that they'll donate 100$ a month towards paying for the train. That's even more fantastic.
  3. I started watching Zorro. I had never seen it before, and now my mind is whirling. For perhaps the first time this summer, I feel inspired to write. I'm already creating characters.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday - the busy day!

  1. So...on the way to Lisa's house, we were supposed to be getting on the 210W. And somehow we ended up on the 15N. And in Hisperia. Where we saw a shirt that said "Yahweh's floors and carpets" and a store called "Zippy lube-a-truck" and a strip club named "THE FUN ZONE!". We have come to the conclusion that there is indeed a sadder place than Riverside.
  2. Lisa made amazing Sangria. But the best part of the workshop was the reception to my piece. I had submitted the first 30 pages (the first 2 acts) of my zombie show, and they loved it. Jeppeson said "I now know why you got into USC." and Estrella said "I was gasping."
  3. We went over to Aaron's place for Rock Band after his show, and it was fantastic. Got to see Douchey singing in falsetto. Got to rock "savior" by Rise against. It was fantastic.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Missing two days here

So lets do the good that happened on Thursday and Friday.

  1. Got to see an ADORABLE children's show. My coworker, Cameron, was in a musical version of Robin hood, and he was the Sheriff of Nottingham. The play was adorable. I cannot say that enough. There were little children, 5 villains, Robin Hood also acted like the Scarlet Pimpernel, it had all the makings of an AWFUL show, but it was just too adorable.
  2. Got to make Orange chicken, which was tasty. Haven't made it since I lived in Falkirk.
  3. Got to play a little bit of WoW with Allen, which was fun. This sounds so simple, but we were doing something called "Pick Up Groups" and it was a blast!
  1. I slept in until 1:30 pm. Yup.
  2. We went on a walk all around UCR. It was hot, it was sweaty, but it was utterly fantastic. On the walk we stopped by to see Professors (missed them all) and stopped and got water and such. It was fun.
  3. Went to Chris's birthday party. On the drive there, there was a construction truck with a giant Elmo stuffed animal IMPALED on one of the posts. It's mouth was continuously gaping open (cause it was impaled near the neck and face) and the feet were flopping in the wind. It was quite a bit hysterical. Once at the party, there a few future creative writing majors there, as well as just tons of weird people.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

the three things project

I've been astoundingly negative about my life right now.

And yes, negative things have been happening in my life. This is true. Actually, this is probably the biggest bout of negative things happening in my life for a bit of a while. So yeah. I've been down. I've been rather depressed. It's been really hard for me to focus on anything positive, even when I know the positive things are out there and I enjoy them. It's been hard for me to trust people, even people I've known for a long time, and to believe them when they say something. I've been paranoid.

And I don't like that too much.

So here's what I'm doing. Every day I'm gonna post a blog with three positive things that happened the day before. If I forget a day, then I'll do 6 on the next day I remember. I need something to get my butt to remember that there is good for me to focus on.

So, three things about yesterday:

1. Got to see my sister's new costuming stuff. She made the white princess Leia dress, and it looks awesome.

2. Got to see Allen while I was at work. Yeah, I love that. It's a nice little break between all the monotony that work can be. We took a quick walk around, got to stretch my legs a bit. I love that.

3. Prop 8 got declared unconstitutional. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't consider this a good thing, but it was amazing to hear the joy from my friends in the lgbt community.