Monday, January 26, 2009

dreamthingie with ostriches!

So an oppressive government was trying to kill me because I had been under all red light in a photography darkroom.

So Allen and I had to steal Evan's motorcycle and ride it across the dirt countryside with no helmets.  

And we ran into a herd of ostriches who had stomach problems.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My work

So I was turning in an assignment at work today, and Bob, Ross, Ryan, and Dawn were all crowded into the back office together. Just talking.

At one point it came out that Dawn had never seen Monty Python. and that she didn't know what the average air velocity of an unladen swallow.


It turns out, for the application to be one of the programming students, Bob included the question: What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow"

And apparently all the guys who didn't know the answer were horrible programmers. And the ones who knew what it was were decent programmers.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This quarter

I actually like my classes.

Okay, I can live without spanish, but it's not horrible like last quarter.

Screenwriting.  I'm the only girl.  That would've been a problem, but Steven and Allen are also in that class, and they're pretty protective of me.  Well, Steven's not so much.  More like Allen.  

But the writing is just as intense and just as fun and the workshop has only gotten harder and harder and harsher.  Awesomeness.

Bio 30.  I admit.  I love that class.  I like learning about all these random things that I've never heard of before and knowing that one day I'll be able to use it.  Or at least bring it up in random conversation.  Which would be FUN.  

In discussion yesterday we had to think up all the various slang for penis, vagina, intercourse, breasts, masturbation, and oral sex.  (YAY my blog just got rated pg 13.)  I didn't know most of the slang.  Most of it was gross.  But it was VASTLY entertaining to hear what people had come up with.  The grossest one was "slob on my knob" for oral sex.  Yeah.  That's what we're learning in college.

Photo.  Photo photo photo photo photo.  The class is okay, not too much stuff in it.  It's long, which I don't like, and the chairs are uncomfortable.  

But the labs.  The LABS!  They're so awesome!  I almost want to go to the extra labs this friday, even though it means I'd have to miss bio 30 on fridays.  But working with the chemicals and getting the stuff developed is AWESOME.

Spanish is meh.  Not horrible.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So, in a weird circumstance, I kinda got knocked on the head really hard.  Well, I fell on concrete.

So my head hurts.

Anyways, that's been coloring my day so far.

But!  tomorrow Mr. Lawson and Nathan are going to be coming out to Riverside!  to talk about coming here next year!

And i'm going to give them a tour.

Friday, January 2, 2009

of DnD and such.

New Years Party = fun.  DnD = fun.  Bass guitar = fun.

Oh yeah.  I got a bass guitar.  Surprise?  I was.  I've been having fun.

I've had little time to do writing this break.

Rather, correction.  I've had little patience to do writing this break.

What, with being sick and mad at parents and abandoned at home and all.  That all equals little writing time.

But, with playing DnD, I get so many ideas for fantasy stuff.

The only problem is most of the story ideas are crap.  Utter crap.  

But I still like thinking about them.  Planning characters.  Planning interesting reversals of stereotypes.

Like how about a wizard figure who's a young man and kind of a misogynistic douche?  Or a weapons man who is kind and intelligent?  Or the mother/aunt/whatever female character isn't a bitch or a pushover?

Yeah.  Fun.