Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lent and stuff

So every year I give up something for lent. Even though I'm not catholic. Even though I don't even go to a catholic church anymore. Even though I haven't found a church I'm happy with down here.

The first year I gave up candy and dessert. That worked well.

Last year I gave up itunes and my ipod. That was a ton harder.

So this year I'm actually giving up a few smaller things, but the overall point is to abstain from spending unnecessary money:
  • I'm not going to buy anymore clothes or shoes, unless absolutely necessary for my health.
  • I'm not going to eat out anymore, especially at work. Obvious exceptions include for my hypoglycemia, or when social situations absolutely necessitate it. And the commons, cause that's already paid for.
  • I'm not going to buy starbucks at work. Or after work. Or before work. This one has no exceptions. No starbucks. The only time I will let myself buy any sort of pre-made coffee or tea is when I ABSOLUTELY have to made a deadline, and then it's the cheapest tea or coffee drink the place has. But no starbucks.
  • I'm not going to buy any new music or books or dvds.
I'll probably add to this list later on.

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