Friday, May 29, 2009

On stage fright and cramps

So yesterday I was in a play. Written by Tony Baltierra and directed by Nick Tousseau, rehearsal was a blast. Jared and I were "married" in the play, and that was hilariously awesome. I loved the play.

However, I had forgotten just how badly I get stage fright.

and when i say bad, I mean BAD!

I walked up to the stand and my hands went numb. And I don't mean sweaty or anything, I mean full on pins and needles.

then the top of my face went numb. As in pins and needles again.

my part calls for me to be in labor and doing breathing exercises. So I almost hyperventilated.

Everyone said I was hilarious, though. And that no one thought I was nervous except for Allen, who was convinced I was having a hypoglycemic attack on stage and was trying to prevent himself from running on stage.

But everyone said I was wonderful.

I'm not sure if it was worth it.


So today I woke up with the DEMON CRAMPS FROM HELL!!!

1 comment:

Rinata said...

I could tell you were nervous. I guess I just didn't realize how truly nervous you were.

But still, you did great. =]