Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am vastly amused.

So, you know how I'm always bagging on people for not being accurate with guns in workshops?

One of my workshop buddies is now asking me for help. It is vastly fun.


I have tons of ideas on what to do for my advanced fiction story. But they all seem WAY too literary, or WAY too personal, or, you know, way too not literary. My screenwriting teaching has taught me to be commercial. Which is good, but yeah. It's a bit looked down upon in the fiction world.


I really want to write something about Romania.


Of course, the one time I venture outside without my jacket and umbrella, it starts to rain.

I just wrote the line into a critique:

besides the pretty words, there’s not much to distinguish this story from any Soap Opera. Actually, the story and characters are generic to the extreme, and ultimately forgettable.

And that is the last line of the critique.


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