Tuesday, June 9, 2009

After yesterday's serious post

Something small and a bit lighter:

You know it's finals week when...

  • The guy in front of me at starbucks ordered six shots of espresso and whipped cream.
  • You see students sleeping in their cars between tests
  • You know one of the students sleeping in their car.
  • you get five emails from your professor within ten minutes
  • you don't see your science friends and you see your humanities friends a ton.
  • you've seen a facebook invitation for a biology and margarita party
  • There are bio-chem diagrams on the walls of the bathrooms in Olmstead.
  • professors don't even pretend to care, just stare at a framed picture of Hawaii
  • Professor's facebook status's are even more desperate than their students.
  • There are signs all over the dorms telling you to eat green apples instead of energy drinks
  • It's supposed to be 24 hours of quiet time in the dorms, yet there are even more noises of video games coming from the room down the hall.
And lastly...
  • the C-Store is out of all viable food, leaving only the dried Asian Pasta, the hardboiled eggs, and the trail mix.

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