Monday, July 20, 2009

How I'm doing

How I'm doing...not too good. And I feel pathetic for it. All because my boyfriend's on vacation? I mean, come on. That's pretty sad. I'm a self-actualized, modern, semi-feminist woman. And I feel really almost homesick for my boyfriend. That goes against most things that I hold core to my identity.

But I do. I'll be exhausted during the day, with no energy, just looking forward to going to sleep each day, but when my head hits the pillow each night, I can't fall asleep. At all.

I had a sleep induced headache for most of yesterday. Like I just needed to sleep for around twenty hours to get rid of it. I loved hanging out with the peer mentors, but my head was bugging me the entire time.

Then, when I finally got to my bed, it took me until about 2 am to get to sleep. And then it was all restless and stuff. my back will start hurting, or my neck gets a crick, or I can't find a comfortable position. And, usually, to get to sleep I start plotting out storylines. But I couldn't. I keep on thinking about Allen.

And I feel really teenagerish about it. It's bordering on creepy.

And I want it to stop! I want to sleep!

I should get back to work now.

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