Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dreams are linked with Hypoglycemia

Surprise surprise, I had a vivid dream last night.

So, in this one, surprise surprise, we lived in a dystopian Britain. All my dreams that I remember seem to happen in a dystopia.

Anyways, it was me, Allen, Evan, Kelleigh, Beth, Beth's mom, Shirin, Luis, Bree, Anna, Jen, AJ, Jad, Steven, and Rinata. Yup, tons of friends then two people I dislike and one person I pretty much hate. I don't know why, it was just my dream. And we were all locked up in a minimum security prison. And we were allowed to go out during the day, but at 6:15 at night the gates were locked, and we had to stay inside. Only "freedom" people were allowed out at night. And at night there was enough food for everyone, but it was all gone during the day.

So we had to break out at night to eat. Yeah. Beth and her Mom did most of that, somehow fixing the gates so they could swing back open again. I'm not sure how. so we would escape nightly to get food.

But one time we were caught.

And we were forced into a giant staircase that was guarded by demon cats. And then we started talking.

Now, in this group there are several...outspoken personalities. That don't always get along. Heck, I don't even get along with all of them all the time. There's one in there that I've NEVER gotten along with.

And we started arguing. And insults started flying. One person called another a paranoid pathetic creep. Someone called me a crazy bitch (three guesses who) and I called her a lying whore. One friend called the other a gigantic buffoon. Another friend called someone a talentless wash-up. Someone called someone an idiot. Someone called someone brainless. The insults flew around.

Then one of the demon cats exploded.