Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quotes from Stu for the day

"Wow, they'd have a bitching home shopping network!"

"Have them just ask for a pint."

"You put a voice over? You must've been hearing Morgan Freeman at that moment!"

"With the two conversations, Men are from - wait, which one is from venus? Women are from venus!"

"Serve -Volley, Serve - Volley, Serve - Volley, Volley - Serve??"

"You know, you actually need the words that make complete sentences."

"How did a ninety year old woman get across the red sea? Verrrry slowly."

"Fat kids were never popular. I'm just saying."

"he was trying to be a provocative little shit, too."

"You may know how to command an army, but an unwieldy child can break one. Been there."

"Well, you had the TV series where a guy went to school the day his parents died!"

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