Thursday, August 5, 2010

the three things project

I've been astoundingly negative about my life right now.

And yes, negative things have been happening in my life. This is true. Actually, this is probably the biggest bout of negative things happening in my life for a bit of a while. So yeah. I've been down. I've been rather depressed. It's been really hard for me to focus on anything positive, even when I know the positive things are out there and I enjoy them. It's been hard for me to trust people, even people I've known for a long time, and to believe them when they say something. I've been paranoid.

And I don't like that too much.

So here's what I'm doing. Every day I'm gonna post a blog with three positive things that happened the day before. If I forget a day, then I'll do 6 on the next day I remember. I need something to get my butt to remember that there is good for me to focus on.

So, three things about yesterday:

1. Got to see my sister's new costuming stuff. She made the white princess Leia dress, and it looks awesome.

2. Got to see Allen while I was at work. Yeah, I love that. It's a nice little break between all the monotony that work can be. We took a quick walk around, got to stretch my legs a bit. I love that.

3. Prop 8 got declared unconstitutional. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't consider this a good thing, but it was amazing to hear the joy from my friends in the lgbt community.

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