Wednesday, August 11, 2010

describing tuesday - difficult

To put it mildly, Tuesday was not a good day. At all. Still, gonna try to be positive for this.

  1. At work we had the creepy hobo that you can read about in my previous entry, but at least she was saying that I'd make money. At least she wasn't one of the gloom and doom clairvoyant hobos. She said I was going to make money. that's a positive, at least?
  2. I got to talk to Jess for like an hour. And it was interesting conversation! About exes, school, religion, colleges, our past, ect. It was fun.
  3. While I was at the beach with the friends, me, Sharon, Paul, and Sarah went on a nightime walk along the shore, where we saw a sand mermaid, a sand hole (where I got a hilarious picture of Sarah crouching in it) and a bunch of random sandcastles. We also had fun running along the wet sand and avoiding getting into the cold ocean.

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