Monday, August 24, 2009

Goals for this week/weekend.

so, I want to be at or close to the 75 point by the time I leave for camping this week. So to do that, I want to write around 4 to 5 pages each day. I've already written three and a half today.

so to do that, I will abstain from facebook. And web comics. and And Oodee. Well, at least when I'm on my laptop. When I'm on another computer (and therefore unable to work on it) I'm perfectly fine with checking those things. So work is still in the clear.

For this weekend I want to start reworking the Masterpiece. Which means printing it out and trying to perfect the first half. Cause it's currently my best thing for grad school applications. And the first act is decent.

(EDIT! For those of you who do not know, The Masterpiece is a title of something. It's not really a masterpiece. It's actually a bit sucky. In this current draft.)

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